Advanced and easy
to implement
dynamic PDF Forms
and responsive
HTML Forms

Online Editor
With our intuitive online WYSIWYG Form Designer's drag-and-drop interface you create customized forms in minutes. Advance your business with hybrid forms in responsive HTML and PDF. You never need to wait for your IT department or pay high form programming expenses again.
Our user-friendly form online editor is perfect to create academic, legal, real estate, insurance, and corporate online forms. Aloahas'platform meets your demanding requirements with zero programming required.
Have a look at our online Editor (user: testadmin, password: pass):

Easy to


Host & Deploy
Just create a link to the hosted forms on your website and your forms are integrated in your environment. The server will make sure forms are always displayed in the right format be it static HTML, responsive HTML or dynamic PDF.
For example:
Forms can be hosted on our server or you deploy your own server in your own data center

Automatic Email Notifications
For each form submission an instant email is sent to the submitter of the form and the business owner of the form. For privacy reasons no data is ever kept on the form server.
The confirmation email sent to the submitter contains the the sealed PDF form plus a configurable email body. The business owner of the form receives the email with the sealed PDF plus additionally the form data as XML file for further processing.
Digital Signatures
Handwritten simple electronic signatures can be captured directly in the form itself. Sign with your mouse or your finger on mobile devices.
In case Blockchain Authentication is used form data is automatically digitally signed with the private blockchain key of the user on submission.
Digital Signatures requiring a X509 Certificate can be applied with our optional Aloaha PDF Editor.

Blockchain Form Payments
Usually e-forms require some kind of form fees to be paid. All Aloaha e-Form come with an inbuilt Blockchain Wallet to allow direct in-form payments. For example with the VallettaCoin.